Here is a testimonial about the quality of dogs we breed here at Rebel Ridge Farms. It comes from the great state of Texas and dog named Roux who just turned 7 months old last week. Read on:

I thought you and the staff might like to hear about one of your pups down in Texas. Roux just turned 7 months old and weighs 51 pounds. She is 24 inches tall at the shoulder and has a deep chest. She is extremely vocal (my wife says demanding) and really likes rough play. She is affectionate and very mouthy. She has "ventilated" a couple of pair of running shoes for me. And at certain times, she shows a stubborn, independent streak. Many times after a training session she will not come back out of the field; instead she will sit outside the fence like a modern day Sphinx waiting for just one more retrieve.
But by far her best trait is this. THE GIRL CAN HUNT! She is an absolute demon in the field. Not surprising since she has "Running with the Devil" on both sides of her family tree.
Last week I took her on a big time blue quail hunt in West Texas and she performed way beyond anyone's expectations. These quail are known for their running ability. There were six shooters and two other seasoned dogs participating in this "circle hunt" where the quail are surrounded and then dogs are used to flush the birds. It can be very chaotic, especially for a young dog. Roux performed like a veteran and got better as the day progressed. She was flushing singles, running down crippled birds, and finding and retrieving dead birds. Amazingly, she was not distracted by the great number of rabbits darting thru the circle. Many times she would look back at me for hand signal instructions, something we have worked very little on. She made about 30 retrieves out of a total of 80 downed birds in the four hour hunt, some as long as 70 yards. Her natural instinct to find and flush birds was a thing of beauty. Of particular note was her incredible stamina. She didn't let up at all until the hunt was concluded. I call her a two speed model; "wide open or shut down". These hunts are demanding because of the rocky terrain and thorny vegetation and are very hard on the paws. Unlike other dogs I've hunted under these conditions, Roux was unfazed. She's not just a tomboy, she's a tough dog. After a few hours of recovery, she was begging to go again. The other veteran hunters in the group were surprised and amazed at her performance and I of course was the proud papa.
Now I would like to think that her success is a direct result of my training and handling, but that just isn't the case in a dog this young. Truth be known my limited skills won't ever measure up to this dog's intelligence and instincts. She is just plain smart.
She won't ever have FC or AFC by her name in her pedigree, but I'm certain she could have. But thanks to the incredible breeding at Rebel Ridge Farms, she already is Ruby Roux HC(Hunting Champion).
Best Regards,
David and Ginger M.
I thought you and the staff might like to hear about one of your pups down in Texas. Roux just turned 7 months old and weighs 51 pounds. She is 24 inches tall at the shoulder and has a deep chest. She is extremely vocal (my wife says demanding) and really likes rough play. She is affectionate and very mouthy. She has "ventilated" a couple of pair of running shoes for me. And at certain times, she shows a stubborn, independent streak. Many times after a training session she will not come back out of the field; instead she will sit outside the fence like a modern day Sphinx waiting for just one more retrieve.
But by far her best trait is this. THE GIRL CAN HUNT! She is an absolute demon in the field. Not surprising since she has "Running with the Devil" on both sides of her family tree.
Last week I took her on a big time blue quail hunt in West Texas and she performed way beyond anyone's expectations. These quail are known for their running ability. There were six shooters and two other seasoned dogs participating in this "circle hunt" where the quail are surrounded and then dogs are used to flush the birds. It can be very chaotic, especially for a young dog. Roux performed like a veteran and got better as the day progressed. She was flushing singles, running down crippled birds, and finding and retrieving dead birds. Amazingly, she was not distracted by the great number of rabbits darting thru the circle. Many times she would look back at me for hand signal instructions, something we have worked very little on. She made about 30 retrieves out of a total of 80 downed birds in the four hour hunt, some as long as 70 yards. Her natural instinct to find and flush birds was a thing of beauty. Of particular note was her incredible stamina. She didn't let up at all until the hunt was concluded. I call her a two speed model; "wide open or shut down". These hunts are demanding because of the rocky terrain and thorny vegetation and are very hard on the paws. Unlike other dogs I've hunted under these conditions, Roux was unfazed. She's not just a tomboy, she's a tough dog. After a few hours of recovery, she was begging to go again. The other veteran hunters in the group were surprised and amazed at her performance and I of course was the proud papa.
Now I would like to think that her success is a direct result of my training and handling, but that just isn't the case in a dog this young. Truth be known my limited skills won't ever measure up to this dog's intelligence and instincts. She is just plain smart.
She won't ever have FC or AFC by her name in her pedigree, but I'm certain she could have. But thanks to the incredible breeding at Rebel Ridge Farms, she already is Ruby Roux HC(Hunting Champion).
Best Regards,
David and Ginger M.